Ways To Give

Give Online

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

Give Online

Give Stock

Donating appreciated stock allows you to maximize your impact while potentially saving more on taxes. We partner with Overflow who makes it easy to donate online in less than 5 minutes.By donating appreciated stock that you’ve held for over a year, you could potentially save up to 20% in capital gains taxes and potentially deduct the charitable donation on your federal income taxes. To understand the full tax benefits of giving appreciated stock, please consult with your tax professional.

Give Stock

Give Crypto

Give crypto currency, such as Bitcoin, easily and safely through our partners at Overflow.

Give Crypto

Personal Online Banking

Personal Online Banking is a common way of giving via your checking or savings account. Use your bank’s website to access your personal account, and follow its instructions for adding International Christian Fellowship as a new payee. Enter your donation as a payment and your bank will send International Christian Fellowship a check. Be sure to specify a MEMO with your designation for your contribution.

Our payee information is as follows:
International Christian Fellowship
3621 Butterfield Rd
Bellwood, IL 60104